I'm sure some of my colleagues may be finding this even tougher than I am...its not so much that I cannot write generally. I've plenty of experience of that. But most of my writing on art is journalistic, impressionistic, without much specific research...in a word...flip. Obviously I can draw on quite a lot of background in fine art including photography (although I'm rapidly discovering that I know a lot lot less than I thought I did...) and that helps but sitting down to construct a well researched and well reasoned 3000 word essay is a lot harder than I imagined. Not that I had thought too hard about this aspect of the course before I started it!
I think I have at least chosen reasonably well - I started with the idea of comparing three photographers but have pared it down to two. Taking up some of the advice given I've gone with two artists whose work I really enjoy. The early night desert landscapes of Richard Misrach contrasted with the night beachscapes of Edgar Martins with an objective of understanding both the images and their impulses to construct such images. I also want to explore how they (at least in my judgment) avoid the cliches associated with night landscapes...examples of which are littered all over nowadays.
So I'm now in avoidance tactics - writing about writing about these two... maybe I'd better get back to the task...