One of the joys of undertaking study is meeting a group of interesting people, students and staff, with whom, and from whom, you learn a great deal. Until the course got underway I'd never heard of Michel Tournier, much less read any of his novels. I'm now slowly working my way through part of his canon having had the recommendation that La Goutte d'or (The Golden Droplet) was worth reading with regard to it's approach to the photograph. He is a terrific writer and I'm very pleased to have made his acquaintance. As I am W.G. Sebald, someone whose name I'd heard but of whom I knew nothing. I am currently reading The Rings of Saturn that is one of the most fascinating travelling stories I've ever come across.
Besides these and several other author recommendations my knowledge of photographers (that rather arrogantly I'd assumed {never assume} was rather good) has expanded exponentially. Far too many to record here but for example (and I know some of my female peers will be appalled, though perhaps not surprised) I'd never come across the work of Claude Cahun until she was name checked early on in the course. Shame on me!
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